
Author profiles on Google Scholar and MathSciNet.


Journal Publications

  1. Radius of information for two intersected centered hyperellipsoids and implications in Optimal Recovery from inaccurate data.
    With S.Foucart. Journal of Complexity, 83, 101841, 2024. (doi) (arXiv) (code)

  2. Optimal Recovery from Inaccurate Data in Hilbert Spaces: Regularize, but what of the Parameter?
    With S.Foucart, Constructive Approximation, 57, 489–520, 2023. (doi) (arXiv) (code)

  3. Learning from Non-Random Data in Hilbert Spaces: An Optimal Recovery Perspective
    With S.Foucart, S.Shahrampour and Y. Wang, Sampling Theory, Signal Processing and Data Analysis, 20, 5, 2022. (doi) (arXiv) (code)

Refereed Proceedings Papers

  1. S-Procedure Relaxation: a Case of Exactness Involving Chebyshev Centers
    With S.Foucart. Explorations in the Mathematics of Data Science, Birkhäuser, to appear. (arXiv)

  2. On the Optimal Recovery of Graph Signals
    With S.Foucart and N.Veldt. In Proceedings of SampTA 2023, New Haven. (doi) (arXiv) (code)

  3. A Communication-Efficient Distributed Gradient Clipping Algorithm for Training Deep Neural Networks
    With Mingrui Liu, Zhenxun Zhuang, and Yunwen Lei. In Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 2022. (NeurIPS 2022) (Proceeding) (arXiv)